
Want to send me some e-mail?? Do you really? Oh, yes of course you do! (do you?)
Anyway, just click here... and see what happens... I like all mail except junkmail. Don't we all?

I also have a guestbook, or whatever you could call it, that needs to be filled with YOUR thoughts, so get to work now!! What is better than a guestbook with many entries? A guestbook with even more entries perhaps?
Or a guestbook with many interesting entries?

YOU can make this guestbook come true, simply by signing it here, or just view it to read all the interesting messages that everyone else wrote before you even thought of going here in the first place, if you don't feel like writing at the moment.
In that case, promise you'll come back later!!

a walking lizard

Come on home!!

"...the easiest way to sell your soul is to carry on believing that we don't exist..."
from "Permanent Daylight"  by Radiohead